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Tuesday 24 January 2012

How Vegetable Gardens Can Save the World

For more on the Gardening Revolution visit kitchengardens.org and for helpful tips visit their youtube channel. Watch  Roger Doiron's presentation on ted.com to learn more.

5 Reasons To Plant a Garden This Year

1. Food is Power- Think about this. Food is energy; its essential to us because it is what our bodies run off of. But food is also a form of power. And when we encourage people to grow their own food, we encourage them to take some of that power into their own hands. Power over their diet, power over their health, and power over their pocket books. More importantly, we take away from the powers that are currently in control.

2. Gastronomical Gateway Drug - One of the greatest things about gardening is that its not long after you start gardening that you realise hey! I might want to learn how to cook! Maybe I should look into food preservation, or maybe I should visit my local farmer's market.

3. What are the alternatives? - Has anyone else noticed a startling trend in Hollywood recently? The most frightening films I've seen in the last 5 years have been documentaries, not horror flicks. One of the scariest lines I've heard is this one: In order to keep up with population growth, more food will need to be grown in the next 50 years than in the previous 10,000 combined.And not only that, we need to grow this food with less. Less oil, less water, less climate stability, and less farm land. How can we possibly achieve this through current agricultural techniques? We can't. If the average American family can provide themselves with 20% of their dietary needs, through backyard and kitchen gardens, this goal is certainly attainable. If this sounds drastic, that's because it is. Imminent and drastic measures are what will be necessary to feed the future cities of the world.

4. Grow Your Own Savings - This one is almost a given. Does gardening take time? Yes. Will you have to get dirty? Absolutely. Will you get sweaty? Most likely. I know what you're thinking. "How about a little compensation for all my hard work chef?" Well, my answer to you is... How does two thousand dollars sound? That is how much a family of four will save by effectively growing 20ftx20ft backyard garden.

5. Gardens Grow Good Food- This idea is central to the Garden Revolution. Ever bought tomatoes and strawberries in season from a chain grocery store and realized they still taste like.. well.. nothing? This is scandolous. When did all the flavour get kidnapped? Gardens grow good food. By good food, I mean food that is safe, food that is healthy, and food that is beautiful and delicious. Put the effort in for one season, and I guarentee you will agree with me.

6. Its Easier than Ever- If by now you're fired up to plant and grow your own food, that's 90% of the battle. But I bet some of you are thinking "That's great chef but I have no freaking idea how to grow food!" And that's where the wonders of technology come in. Youtube is filled with gardening how-to's, for every step of the journey. The internet is full of articles, videos, and blogs that can help you. Also, visit your local farmer's market. I have always found local growers are a great source of gardening advice that will be specific to your region. See thepeopleschef blog "5 Tips For DIY Agriculture", and participate in the discussion going on at kitchengardens.org

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